FengHZ's Blog Summer is for falling in love.

A paper report for paper - Unsupervised Feature Learning via Non-Parametric Instance Discrimination


Unsupervised Feature Learning via Non-Parametric Instance Discrimination是CVPR2018的一篇无监督特征提取方法,且是一篇Oral文章。它采用实例区分(Instance Discrimination)构造实例分类器对图像进行无监督特征提取,所提取的特征可以很好地用于图像的相似度度量任务中。

我为此文撰写了一个report进行深度分析,report以slice形式进行呈现。论文中为了解决实例分类器类别不均衡的问题采用了Noise Contrastive Estimation方法,该方法的数学推导我放于Applendix中。




Article:Noise-contrastive estimation: A new estimation principle for unnormalized statistical models

$p(:,v)$ is a density function with parameters $v$, s.t. $\sum_{i=1}^np(i,v)=1$

Our target is to find the suitable parameter $\theta$ for the network which can make :

\[p(i,v_i)=1,\forall i\\ p(i,v_i)=\frac{exp(<v_i^{t-1},v_i>/\gamma)}{\sum_{j=1}^nexp(<v_j^{t-1},v_i>/\gamma)}=\frac{exp(<v_i^{t-1},v_i>/\gamma)}{Z_i}\]

We transfer the problem into an binary estimation problem, and the noise vector $(v_1’,…,v_m’)$ is uniformly chosen from $(v_1,…,v_n)$ with $p(v_i’)=\frac{1}{n}$, then we have a vector $v_i$, from the data distribution,and $(v_1’,…,v_m’)$ from the noise distribution, we use $P(C=1\vert i,v)$ to represent the probability for $(i,v)$ belong to the data distribution, and we have:

\[P(i\vert C=1;v)=p(i,v)\\ P(i\vert C=0;v)=\frac{1}{n}\]

Then we can calculate $P(C=1\vert i,v)$ use Bayes Formulation:

\[h(i,v)=P(C=1\vert i,v)=\\ \frac{P(i\vert C=1;v)P(C=1;v)}{P(i\vert C=1)P(C=1;v)+P(i\vert C=0;v)P(C=0;v)}\\ =\frac{p(i,v)}{p(i,v)+\frac{P(C=0;v)}{P(C=1;v)}P(i\vert C=0;v)}\\\]


\[\frac{P(C=0;v)}{P(C=1;v)}P(i\vert C=0;v)=\frac{m}{n}\\ P(C=0\vert i,v)=1-P(C=1\vert i,v)\]

Then the binary cross entropy loss function is:

\[l(\theta)=-[ln(P(C=1\vert i,v_i))+\sum_{j=1}^m ln(P(C=0\vert i,v_j'))]\]

